

Mural in Radiology Department
Mural in Radiology Department
Maquette for design proposal
Maquette for design proposal
Evolving Burning Virus. Acrylic on hardwood (2016)
Evolving Burning Virus. Acrylic on hardwood (2016)
Inuit Screenprint
Inuit Screenprint
Inuit Cats Cradle Screenprint
Inuit Cats Cradle Screenprint
Photographic and paper stencil screenprint
Photographic and paper stencil screenprint
Typo mantis screenprint
Typo mantis screenprint
Screenprint and gouache paint on plywood
Screenprint and gouache paint on plywood
Experimenting board
Experimenting board
Bookshelves dye sub
Bookshelves dye sub
Mural in Radiology Department
Mural in Radiology Department
Maquette for design proposal
Maquette for design proposal
Evolving Burning Virus. Acrylic on hardwood (2016)
Evolving Burning Virus. Acrylic on hardwood (2016)
Inuit Screenprint
Inuit Screenprint
Inuit Cats Cradle Screenprint
Inuit Cats Cradle Screenprint
Photographic and paper stencil screenprint
Photographic and paper stencil screenprint
Typo mantis screenprint
Typo mantis screenprint
Screenprint and gouache paint on plywood
Screenprint and gouache paint on plywood
Experimenting board
Experimenting board
Bookshelves dye sub
Bookshelves dye sub